Author name: drtusharchauhan

Importance of Karyotyping in Infertility Screening

Karyotying is a technique to find chromosomal abnormalities such as Flinefeture, syndrome, Y chromosome microdeletions, Turner syndrome, sex reversal and other translocations in male and female infertility.  Do You know? 15% of the world population suffer from infertility. 1 in 6 couples faces difficulties to reproduce.  Karyotype abnormalities are reported in 2 to 14% of […]

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Top Labeled Chromosome Images, Diagrams and Structure (Download)

Top Labeled Chromosome Images, Diagrams and Structure (Download)

In this article, we have listed images of structure and labeled diagrams of chromosomes, labeled chromosome images of different conditions and other images. Labeled structure of chromosome: We have a tone of articles, blog posts and other information regarding the structure of chromosomes on the internet. So I think, explaining everything, again and again, is

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How to Prevent Chromosomal Abnormality during Pregnancy?

How to Prevent Chromosomal Abnormality during Pregnancy?

By following a healthy lifestyle, eating good quality foods and taking some preventive measure helps to prevent chromosomal abnormalities during pregnancy. Every parent wants a healthy baby and they are trying for it as well. A healthy baby should have a good birth weight, no structural anomalies, good metabolic activity and mentally & physically fit. 

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Chromosome 18 Deletion- Deletion 18p, 18q Distal and 18q Proximal

Chromosome 18 Deletion- Deletion 18p, 18q Distal and 18q Proximal

Chromosome 18 deletion occurs when either of the p or q arms or its part or some fragment gets deletion from either copy. Some of the common deletions are chromosome 18p deletion, distal 18q deletion and proximal 18q deletion.  Chromosome 18 is a short submetacentric chromosome having 80Mb in size comprises a 2.5% portion of

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The rarest case of 3p Mosaic Deletion Duplication Syndrome

The rarest case of 3p Mosaic Deletion Duplication Syndrome

“3p mosaic deletion duplication syndrome is one of the rarest genetic/chromosomal conditions that involve both deletion and duplication of chromosome 3, which is congenital.” Deletion and duplication are the types of chromosomal aberrations. Deletion is when some portion of a chromosome gets removed from the chromosome. While duplication is when some portion gets copied or

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What is FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum)?- Definition, Processing, Benefits, Applications and Limitations

What is FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum)?- Definition, Processing, Benefits, Applications and Limitations

A type of natural growth media-rich in nutrients, extracted from cattle meatpacking; as a byproduct is known as fetal bovine serum.  Tissue culture or cell culture is one of the most valuable, important and advantageous methods for the plant, animal and bacterial culture. Culture or cell culture is an artificial method to grow cells outside

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