Karyotyping results

What are the common Errors in Karyotyping Results?

What are the common Errors in Karyotyping Results?

Prenatal studies highly rely on genetic techniques like karyotyping, recent trends suggest. Fetal chromosome analysis or chromosome test provides detail about the genetic profile. Chromosomal abnormalities can be encountered using cytogenetic techniques.  Karyotyping is a popular cytogenetic technique, practice commonly for prenatal or fetal genetic studies which are powerful enough to encounter down syndrome, Patau […]

What are the common Errors in Karyotyping Results? Read More »

What is Chromosomal Translocation?- Definition, Mechanism and Types

When a part of chromosome breaks or is deleted and reinserted at another location on a chromosome is known as a chromosome translocation. Conventional karyotyping is a technique commonly employed to study translocations.  Any sudden change, alteration or undesirable alteration in a gene or chromosome might be harmful to our health. “Mutation” is a common

What is Chromosomal Translocation?- Definition, Mechanism and Types Read More »

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